Monday 9 February 2015

Taxi! Taxi!

Hackney carriage by Ed g2s

Taxi!  Taxi!

A recent FOI request has revealed that Wirral councillors in 2013/14 spent £2,877 on taxi journeys. Of this amount Rock Ferry's three labour councillors spent a whopping £893 (31%).  Where are they travelling to and from with such urgency that warrants this abnormally high use of taxi's?  Definitely not around Rock Ferry as to sight one of them is as rare as spotting a street cleaner! 
Do these councillors not think that in times of severe austerity cuts (which they voted for) they should be using public transport or better still get on a bike?  In my view there is no valid reason not to, particularly as two of them have free public transport by using their Merseytravel passes.  Yet again, they are totally out of touch with how the rest of us are struggling to make ends meet each and every day! 
The former Chief Exec of WBC Graham Burgess recently stated "We need to spend less on ourselves and more on services” so I wonder what the £2,877.35 spent on taxi journeys for councillors could have been spent on instead?

Monday 5 January 2015

This Changes Everything

Over the holidays I found time to read Naomi Klein's latest book "This Changes Everything" - it's a radical rallying call to stem the march of capitalism in destroying our environment.  A most important book that I recommend you try to find the time to read.

In her book Naomi rightly states - "The carbon record does not lie .... emissions are still rising; gases will trap heat for generations to come, creating a world that is hotter, colder, wetter, thirstier, hungrier, angrier. So if there is any hope of reversing these trends, glimpses won't cut it; we will need the climate revolution playing on repeat, all day, everywhere."

What caught my interest and gave hope for a lowering in global emissions and the emergence of humane sustainable social-economic global policies was what she stated as urgent and necessary action - "... only mass social movements can save us now.  Because we know where the current system, left unchecked, is headed.  ... that we want to do these radical things democratically and without a bloodbath, so violent, vanguardist revolutions don't have much to offer in the way of roadmaps." 

The author goes on to cite examples of mass civil and social change movements across the world - but notes few if any ever achieved substantial economic change. However, in the search for historical precedents and finding the exception's to this she give us the movements for - "... the abolition of slavery and for the Third World independence from colonial powers.  Both of these transformative movements forced ruling elites to relinquish practices that were still extraordinarily profitable, much as fossil fuel extraction is today.  The movement for the abolition of slavery in particular shows us that a transition as large as the one confronting us today has happened before - and indeed it is remembered as one of the greatest moments in human history.  The economic impacts of slavery abolition in the mid-nineteenth century have some striking parallels with the impacts of radical emission reduction, as several historians and commentators have observed."  The journalist and broadcaster Chris Hayes pointed out .. "the climate justice movement is demanding that an existing set of political and economic interests be forced to say goodbye to trillions of dollars of wealth" and concluded that "it is impossible to point to any precedent other than abolition". 

Personally, for me as a Liverpudlian citing the abolition of slavery struck a note, as it was my hometown and the Quaker movement in particular that were at the vanguard in abolishing slavery throughout the British Empire.  I hope that an outcome from holding the Green Party's conference in Liverpool this March will be the nation recognising the pressing need to energise and mobilise a mass movement surge against the vested money and economic interests of the Westminster establishment, global corporations, banks and climate change denying politicians!

In conclusion, I leave you with this thought "So climate change does not need some new shiny movement that will magically succeed where others failed.  Rather, as the furthest-reaching crisis created by the extractivist worldview, and one that puts humanity on a firm and unyielding deadline, climate change can be the force - the grand push - that will bring together all of these still living (social justice) movements.  A rushing river fed by countless streams, gathering collective force to finally reach the sea." 

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Recessions can hurt, but austerity kills!

As we have witnessed over the past 5 years the government bailing out banksters with our cash has made no impact on improving our economic plight. This week the Prime Minister has warned of potentially worst to come, whilst in the meantime the cause of austerity, our banks are still unregulated encouraging high risk money gambling practices. Banker bailouts do not stimulate the economy. It is more likely the bailout funds end up stashed in offshore bank accounts and less likely to get reinvested in our economy. If the same bailout funds were invested in health and education they would confer both short and long term economic payoffs.  In the short term, these funds would be absorbed and turn into productive work for teachers and nurses and technology firms. In the long term from these investments we would see a smarter and healthier workforce and population.  For proof of reinvestment stimulus being the solution rather than bank bailouts you only need to look at the economic turnaround of Iceland since it's banking crash of 2009.

In 2010 Iceland's population forced it's government to have a referendum and voted 93% in favour of reinvestment.  Iceland put in place a strong social protection system to maintain food, jobs and housing and bolstered support to those in need even further. The Icelandic government's reinvestment programme didn't lead to inflation, or runaway debt that has been impossible to pay back, or foreign dependency - the predicted disasters that austerity advocates claim will result from stimulus programmes.  Recently, Iceland's president said "The government bailed out the people and imprisoned the banksters - the opposite of what the rest of Europe did."  Iceland's banks had been deemed "too big to fail," and the government let them fail.  The consequences were clear in the data showing Iceland's successful recovery while most of the rest of Europe continued to suffer.

The response of Iceland's government to the crisis reminds us how important it is to safeguard democracy, even at a time when extraordinary responses are needed.  Even if hard decisions need to be made, a bitter pill is easier to swallow if you administer it yourself.  In 2012 Iceland's economy grew 3 percent and unemployment fell below 5 percent, while the UK's economy, under the coalition's austerity programs, continued to sink and still does today.

It is my contention that the only UK referendum question that matters right now is not on Europe, it is - "Do we continue to absorb the debts created by banksters, drastically cutting local and central government budgets?  Or shall we say no to paying for banker's gambling and avoid a larger dose of austerity, instead investing in rebuilding the economy?"  

The 2012 UN  World Happiness Report indicated that despite the ongoing economic crisis Iceland had the highest quantity of "positive effect" (good moods) of any country surveyed. The report also found further evidence that health statistics were moving in a positive direction during the recession.  This last point about health is so important.

Economic health and human health go hand in hand.  Social safety nets are slashed, economic shocks like losing a job or home can turn into a health crisis. This is not merely a correlation, but a cause-and-effect relationship.  As citizens, we can call on our government to make the right decisions - decisions that protect our health during hard times. Recessions can hurt, but austerity kills.  Far from decreasing debt, austerity increases it as the economy slows. Debts get worst and we don't stimulate economic growth. Collectively, we have lost sight of what matters most.  Debts, revenues and growth are important.  But when you ask people what they value most, the majority will say their health and that of their families. The price of austerity is calculated in lost and ruined lives, depression and suicide. And these lives will not return when the economy bounces back.

Saturday 1 November 2014

The Silence is Deafening

It is my understanding that part of a councillor's role is that of an advocate in supporting the views of their constituents through being 'visible' and out and about in their constituency.  It very clear to me and from what the public of Rock Ferry tell me that spotting any of their three Labour councillors going about enquiring of their opinions and concerns is as likely as spotting the abominable snowman!

Case in point - part of the WBC's public consultation 'Future Council' questionnaire which closed yesterday asks for views on community libraries - "This option would see our community libraries, which are smaller and less well used, 15 in total, reduce their opening hours to an alternating 2/3 days per week, 10am-2pm. This option would NOT affect central libraries or libraries with one stop shop facilities included."  Now it maybe that Rock Ferry library will not be affected by reduced opening hours, as it exists alongside a one stop shop - it also may not be the case?  Why, because we cannot trust this council when making decisions the public support.  

When talking with librarians they tell me that Rock Ferry Cllr. Christine Meaden, Cabinet Member Leisure, Sports & Culture who's portfolio covers libraries supports the library service cuts - but based on who's opinions?  She has not engaged the Wirral public on the issue, nor has there been any sightings or reports of her consulting with librarians. So, I can only conclude her deafening silence is down to towing the labour party line and staying low in the hope we don't bother her.  For a councillor who received £16,626 (not incl. expenses) last year for her council role and cabinet responsibility we are all paying for a very expensive silence! Furthermore, the council could save a lot of money reducing the number of councillor's representing us - a reduction most of us would welcome, particularly in the case of one of the three silent Rock Ferry councillor's

Sunday 26 October 2014


It's interesting to watch blue and red blooded politician's scrambling over one another to become a new political hybrid, a purple mixture that unsuccessfully tries to behave like an angry street politico in the belief we all listening to their rabid tirade and blame game politics. History shows us that in times of economic hardship there always emerges a political body that has the secret to more employment and prosperity - it’s blame someone else! -  the jew, the communist, the islamic, the immigrant, the historic foe, a religion or the colour of a person's skin.  Nothing is resolved by this method, but by thinking so some people believe it will be different this time around - fools! After they have exhausted blaming others who will be next - You?   

We are in danger of ignoring history's lessons and jumping into line to vote for politician's of questionable political colours, when in fact there is always an alternative if we can open eyes and minds to take a new direction, stepping outside of the old 'business as usual politics' and into the new.  The Green Party's policies offer that new direction with anti-austerity policies linked to social justice and protection of our environment. Policies that are a radical fresh breath of air bringing hope not despair, not blame nor anger.  Red and blue politics are tired and failed, while the real culprits of our demise the banks and corporates make minuscule reparations whilst keeping only a heartbeat away from the lifeblood pumping red, blue and purple politics. This mixing of colours will only lead followers into a Purple Haze, the Blue's or a Red Mist - all places void of hope and solutions.

Let’s go forward on Green the colour of life, renewal, nature, and energy.  A colour associated with meanings of growth, harmony, freshness, safety, fertility, health and the environment - a good place I believe from which to start a political revolution for the colour we want our politics to be!

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Rock Ferry Terrorist's - How Dare They!

Local M.P. Frank Field and Wirral council leader Phil Davies have this week singled out Rock Ferry and Birkenhead as centres of 'low-level terrorism'. Citing feedback from residents that anti-social behaviour has plagued these areas to such a degree that the streets are unsafe and terrorised by street gangs. From my own door-step surveys I know this is a concern to some residents in a handful of streets, but it is not the leading neighbourhood concern for Rock Ferry residents. More pressing issues are street cleaning, dog fouling, fly-tipping and clean safe children play areas.

So, I find it rich that both Mr Fields and Mr Davies are blaming a shortage of cash resources for policing the ward, when we all know that this moribund, money-wasting labour-led council have cut services and funding that would make the ward safer, provide adequate children and youth services, keep clean existing play areas and maintain and open up playing fields.  Furthermore, in the latest round of council budget cut proposals labour councillors are looking to close council funded youth centres in Rock Ferry.  Both Rock Ferry labour councillor's Christine Meaden (Cabinet Member for Leisure, Sport and Culture) and Moira McLaughlin (Merseyside Police and Crime Panel member) have for too long been deafeningly silent on - street crime and the lack of facilities for teenagers.  I suggest the council first and foremost address what their austere cuts have inflicted on the ward and then get the police to re-open the Well Lane police station, follow this up by engaging communities to come together and look after their neighbourhood.

I and many others find it an insult putting a 'low-level terrorist' area label on Rock Ferry and it's youth and one that paints a damming picture to the rest of the world about Rock Ferry and it's community. Judging the tone of Frank Field's comment's I would not be surprised to hear him soon calling for an 'airstrike' against the 'low-level terrorism' in the ward!  So, Frank and Phil go throw your stones at other people's glasshouses and do what we taxpayers expect you to do - address the woeful lack of action by the council and provide community resources to help the youth of Rock Ferry find purposeful off street activities.

Monday 15 September 2014


Just how penny-pinching can this unfit for heroes council sink?  

In it's latest budget saving proposals this Labour led council will deny free access to council-run leisure facilities for Armed Forces men and women who have served their country. This pound pinching, slap-in-the-face, insensitive decision goes to show all of us how out of touch and mean this council is. A derisory "improved offer" proffered by the cabinet member for leisure Cllr. Chris Meaden (Rock Ferry) of one-to-one gym instruction is not an acceptable offer for anyone affected by this cut, let alone those who work-out in the gym.  

With this decision Wirral Borough Council has declared the Wirral truly a land unfit for heroes!