It's interesting to watch blue and red blooded politician's scrambling over one another to become a new political hybrid, a purple mixture that unsuccessfully tries to behave like an angry street politico in the belief we all listening to their rabid tirade and blame game politics. History shows us that in times of economic hardship there always emerges a political body that has the secret to more employment and prosperity - it’s blame someone else! - the jew, the communist, the islamic, the immigrant, the historic foe, a religion or the colour of a person's skin. Nothing is resolved by this method, but by thinking so some people believe it will be different this time around - fools! After they have exhausted blaming others who will be next - You?
We are in danger of ignoring history's lessons and jumping into line to vote for politician's of questionable political colours, when in fact there is always an alternative if we can open eyes and minds to take a new direction, stepping outside of the old 'business as usual politics' and into the new. The Green Party's policies offer that new direction with anti-austerity policies linked to social justice and protection of our environment. Policies that are a radical fresh breath of air bringing hope not despair, not blame nor anger. Red and blue politics are tired and failed, while the real culprits of our demise the banks and corporates make minuscule reparations whilst keeping only a heartbeat away from the lifeblood pumping red, blue and purple politics. This mixing of colours will only lead followers into a Purple Haze, the Blue's or a Red Mist - all places void of hope and solutions.
Let’s go forward on Green the colour of life, renewal, nature, and energy. A colour associated with meanings of growth, harmony, freshness, safety, fertility, health and the environment - a good place I believe from which to start a political revolution for the colour we want our politics to be!